Category: U.S

Deadly Combo: Caffeine, Violent TV or Video Games & Prescription Drugs, Says MD

“The confused systems of our society are suicidal, but we don’t have to participate..” Dr. Richard Ruhling Mixing gateway drugs like caffeine and alcohol, with TV or video violence and Rx drugs is a prescription for disaster. “Isn’t it time for parents, teachers, and the medical profession to recognize mounting evidence that prescription drugs can

Rx Drugs Make Medical Care the #1 Cause of Illness & Death – It Helps Symptoms but It’s Not Healthcare

“Let your food be your medicine.” Hippocrates Adverse Drug Reactions (properly prescribed and administered) have made medical care the leading cause of illness and death.  “We are overlooking well-documented studies showing that adverse drug reactions are the leading cause of illness and death in the US,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who was

Did Satan Create Catholicism? Answering Newsweek’s Headline

“He who does not read has no advantage over he who cannot read.” The Bible is the only true book of prophecy. Written thousands of years ago, it , foretells headlines as we see today. The above headline in Newsweek (10/21/17) went unanswered as the article diverted into a political free-for-all citing Dr. Robert Jeffress,

Pope Wants Change on Death Penalty – a Fulfillment of Prophecy?

“Babylon is fallen…come out of her, My people.” Revelation 18 addresses a confusion of false systems for government, education, healthcare and religion. Papal changes to biblical law is nothing new and this month we celebrate the healing of a deadly wound between Catholics and Lutherans, also a fulfillment of prophecy. “Pope Francis said the death


Houston Writers Guild Annual Independent Writers’ Conference October 13-15 Houston, TX. Indiepalooza 2017, slated for October 13 – October 15, is one of the most anticipated events of the year for writers from all over and will be held at Rice University in Houston. Presented by the Houston Writers Guild, Indiepalooza begins with the opening